Sunday, August 18, 2019

T minus 2

Here I am again about ready to start another adventure. I am going to Minneapolis and riding East, up through the Great Lakes in the US and Canada and then back in the US around Niagara Springs and heading East to around Portland, Maine.  I will be riding with Tim and Nancy from Tacoma, WA.  If you have read much of this blog, you will know that we have ridden a lot together.  They are wonderful people and I love riding with them.  We have much the same riding style and it just seems we work well together and enjoy being with each other. We have dreamed of doing a multi-week ride again and riding across North America.  Neither of us could figure out how to take the three months we thought it would take, so we have split it up and this trip is going to be half of that dream.  😊

I am just messing with this blog program again to see if I can make things work.  The picture above is a shakedown ride of mine out to Lake Walcott, about a 40 mile ride away, to see if my bike held onto the loaded panniers and if I could balance the fully loaded bike still.  All went well and it was a very beautiful day to be by the lake.

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